Bank customer

Bank customer

Online loan repayment

Online top-up with a credit card

Mercedes-Benz Bank Rus »LLC (hereinafter - the Bank) is pleased to announce a new loan repayment option. Now you can also replenish your current account with the Partner Bank to repay a loan with the Bank fr om the Bank’s website by transferring funds from a MIR, VISA and MasterCard bank card [1] issued by any bank.


  • the possibility of making a payment at any time convenient for you 24 hours a day;
  • execution of a transfer from anywhere in the world with access to the Internet and the Bank’s website.

To make a payment, you must go to the specified link and fill out an electronic form, wh ere it is enough to indicate the following data:

  • choose a Partner Bank;
  • current account number in the Partner Bank (account for repayment of a loan at the Bank);
  • Full name of the beneficiary (borrower);
  • transfer amount;
  • card details from which the payment will be made;
  • Payer email address (to receive confirmation of payment).

The funds are credited to the account at the Partner Bank within 3 business days after the payment is made.

To clarify information on money transfers using bank cards, as well as in case of any questions about the payment made, please contact Best2Pay (Best2pey LLC) by phone: 8 800 250-78-80.

You can familiarize yourself with the terms of the transfer in the instructions.